Autism Symptoms

- Social aloofness
- No babbling, no pointing, or other gesture by 12 months
- No single words by 16 months
- No 2-word spontaneous (not echolalic) phrases by 24 months
- Any loss of any language or social skills at any age (Filipek et al., ?)
- Lack of interest in other children
- Not using the index finger to point, to indicate interest in anything
- Not bringing objects over to parents to show them
- Lack of imitation
- Failure to respond to his/her name when called
- Not following others pointing at a toy across the room by looking at it
Teenage Years
- Not knowing how to engage in reciprocal conversation
- Taking things literally
- Only focusing on one topic (usually a special interest or hyper fixation)
- during a conversation
- Speaking in unconventional ways – such as flatly/monotone or with a
- sing-songy voice
- Using unusual or old-fashioned vocabulary
- May prefer to be by themselves as opposed to with peers
- Want others to abide by rules
- Lacking a sense of personal space – may stand too close
- Poor hygiene skills
- Sensitive to touch
- Easily overwhelmed by sensory input
- Low self-esteem
- Difficulty naming their emotions
- Maybe bullied by peers
- Find it difficult to understand what others are thinking
- Trouble making and interpreting facial expressions
- Experience anxiety around social interactions
- Seem blunt or rude
- Have a specific daily routine and have difficulty deviating from it
- Exhibit strong special interests
- Not understanding social cues
- Avoid eye contact
- Notice small details that others may not
- Like to plan activities out before doing them
- Easily overwhelmed by sensory input
- May be clumsy, tripping over nothing or bumping into objects